I just want to confirm that the “old” leaf is running with BotanicallsTwitter_v2.17_OAUTH.zip smoothly and updating is possible and working:
Many thanks to maathieu! Without the detailed instruction in this thread it would have been much more difficult and time-killing!!
Some corrections and advices:
– Take v2.17 not v2.15, it’s the adapted and updated version, so you have to do less adjustments in the code.
– Be aware of the other FTDI cable direction for the old vs. new kit while hooking up the cable, do not follow the Link “Customize” in maathieu’s posting, it refers NOW to the new leaf, use the old manual under http://www.botanicalls.com/kits/xport-leaf-kit-customize/ Seems that the direction has changed: New kit black cable to the bifacial foliate, old kit: green! Double check the “blk” mark on your board!
– I had problems uploading the code to IO Board, seems you have to press first reset on the leaf and then start the upload (order is a bit confusing in the other posting above
– Had also some problems with right COM port initially. Played around some time so it worked. Can not remember what the problem solved in the end – did updating some days before writing this.