Just want to say THANX!

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  • #1397

    Hi, I’d just want to say thanks you!

    – To Rob for the great support and

    – Kati for the amazing track at Ignite (btw the better thing is PechaKucha, yeah!) and

    – the whole Botanicalls team for this great idea and the nice peace of hard- and software, so a nice idea to have a very technical circuit board designed as leaf!

    I considered to buy a kit some month ago. Because my birthday and Christmas came closer I thought about a fitting present (for me :-). But it’s difficult to explain people why it’s really great to have a twittering plant — what is Twitter? Why do plants use it? Isn’t it easier to put your finger in the soil to measure humidity or to have a look at the foliage color?

    So I got nice but not thrilling gifts and went to think geek to buy a Botanicalls kit myself. Ok it was not cheap – 99$ for the kit, 25$ for shipping and again about 30$ tax in Germany! But it was worth!

    I was a bit nervous about the soldering stuff but it works if you have really thin solder and drank not too much coffee! It’s really satisfying to have the gizmo complete, working and no peace is broken while manufacturing!

    Now I have a nice internet enabled Orange Tree and a lot of fun with the gadget:


    It’s really a “multiplicator” have talked with a lot of people about Botanicalls and the most people (that one who have understood the story :-) love it!

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