Error Blinks on Yellow Test LED

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  • #1367
    Rob Faludi

    Here’s the error messages associated with the yellow test LED blinking after a communication attempt fails. The most common reason to see error blinks is that either the networking is not connected, or your network is not giving you an IP address properly for some reason. Other things to look for are bad solder joins and the Ethernet module being loose in it’s socket. Finally, make sure you didn’t change the username and password on Twitter unless you changed and reloaded the code on your Botanicalls chip as well.


    4 “Timed out on reset! Check XPort config & IP”

    6 “Bad response on reset!”

    8 “unknown error”

    10 “Timed out on connect”

    12 “Failed to connect”

    14 “Unknown error”

    Afterwards depending upon the situation you might see two additional blinks for “tweet fail” If you ONLY see two blinks, that means your connection went through fine, but there was a problem posting the tweet. Usually this is because password on the account has been changed. Unless you reprogram the chip, you’ll need to change it back to the original one that came with your kit.



    Could you explain what is meant by “Bad response on reset”?

    Is this indicating a soldering issue or could that be a connection error because of the change of the authentification system used by twitter?

    Thanks for your help.


    Turned out, that an error with 6 blinks (“Bad response on reset”) has something to do with the communication with twitter, referring to the change of authentification method. So, no I can go on debugging from this point (this forum has several hints on that).

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