Re: Errors compiling arduino software v1.01 + botanicalls 2 v3.01

Home Forums Botanicalls Community Errors compiling arduino software v1.01 + botanicalls 2 v3.01 Re: Errors compiling arduino software v1.01 + botanicalls 2 v3.01


How exactly does one get the Botanicalls 2 V3.01 working with Arduino 1.01?

I followed the advice about editing the libraries and changing Wiring.h, String.H, etc.. into Arduino.h. However, when I go to edit the library files, I get a the following error:

“Bad file selected: Processing can only edit its own sketches or those and other files ending in .ino or .pde”

I am using Arduino 1.01 on Mac OS X. Is there another program that I’m supposed to use to edit to libraries?

I would very much appreciate it if someone would create and post an updated version of the Botanicalls code for Arduino 1.01.

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