MoMA Acquires Botanicalls for Permanent Collection

The Museum of Modern Art’s Architecture & Design Acquisition Committee has approved the addition of Botanicalls to the MoMA permanent collection. This means that after the Talk to Me exhibition closes, Botanicalls will join the likes of Eames chairs the BIC penFrank Lloyd Wright, and  Starry Night. It’s a huge honor and we’d like to thank the acquisition committee, as well as the many collaborators who have helped Botanicalls along the way, a few of whom include: Gabe Barcia-Colombo, Andrew Schneider, Limor Fried, Phil Torrone, Nathan Seidle, Jim Lindblom, Tom Igoe, Red Burns, Dan O’Sullivan, Danny Rozin, Clay Shirky, Josh London, Eric Beug, Jimmy Garver, K Otterness, JooYoun Paek, Chris Paretti, John Frazier and many others.

Here’s some memories from along the way:

the original brainstorm-ing whiteboard

plants making phone calls

the first kit from Adafruit

the Botanicalls crew, Maker Faire 2007

Posted on October 13th, 2011 by Rob Faludi. Filed under Announcements.


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